Classroom Innovation Suggestions Made Easy!

Use this resource to collect ideas for classroom innovation and share your feedback. There will be periodic descriptions, clips or links to the latest innovative practices for the classroom.

Friday, December 9, 2011

How Innovative Are You?

Not long ago, I came across a post by Bill Ferriter about one of the key characteristics of innovative organizations.  Based upon The Innovator's DNA (2011), the most important feature is the commitment to hiring innovative people.  From that notion, Ferriter composed 5 suggested interview questions.  I plan to keep these questions to go along with others that I like to use when conducting interviews, but I thought I would share them with you (condensed version).  Ask yourself:

1.  Think about a lesson that you have tinkered with over the years.  What did the lesson originally look like?  How did you change it over time?  How did the changes impact your students?  What did you learn about teaching and learning from those instructional successes and failures?

2.  How do YOU learn?  Reading?  Writing?  Practicing?  Who are the most important people that you currently learn with?  What have they taught you and what have you taught them?

3.  What well-established professional practice are you skeptical about?  Why do you doubt it?  Can you give tangible examples of times/places where this practice has let you or your students down?

4.  What is the most interesting idea you've learned outside of education?  Can you find any connections between that idea and your work in school?  Can that idea change any of the work you are doing with your students, colleagues or peers?

5.  What other profession are you most curious about?  What about it captures your imagination?  Would working in that field keep you energized?  How does that profession compare to education? 

I'd love to hear your comments!

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